16-19 August 2024

Ashburnham Place, East Sussex

Welcome! It’s wonderful to have this long weekend together at Ashburnham as Forge family of churches.

There are three words that sum up Forge: they are move, create, relate. This weekend we want to emphasise relate!

Everything we do is rooted in and flows out of our relationship with God. So, there will be opportunities to encounter God together.

As this is our first Forge event, we also want to create space for us to begin and develop relationships with one another, as individuals and as churches.

Our prayer is that everyone who comes, from children to adults, are blessed, equipped, inspired and filled afresh to engage and relate to those in God’s world who don’t know Him yet.

Alongside all this, we hope that you will gain a better sense of who we are as Forge, seeking to support one-another as we live out the life of God in our own situations.

Please come with your hearts open to God, ready to meet new people, and open to Spirit inspired personal changes to relate to the world more effectively.

God bless,

Phil Norris